Power of the Inciting Incident
Inciting Incident
incite verb
in·cite | \ in-ˈsīt \
to move to action : stir up : spur on : urge on
The “AHA” moment.
The point at which the action of the story is set in motion.
Taking a risk.
The Inciting Incident is the pivotal point that dictates the rest of your story.
Choosing the right inciting incident is what helps you to control your(self) narrative.
Perception. Point of view.
When we can identify the inciting incident, it puts us in control of the entire narrative, giving us the ability to orient all of the other elements of the story in the same direction.
You may even discover that there are new exciting details to relate.
No matter where you are in your life/career journey, if you are able to look back, pinpoint the inciting incident, and connect the dots, you will have greater clarity over the story you want to tell.
And this can completely change your perspective.
And your life.
Recognize the spark.Identify the desire.
Gather evidence.
Define your character.
Follow the trail.
Construct a case.
Share your story.
#whatsyouroriginstory #originstory #personalbranding #personalbrandingcoach #personaldiscoverystorytelling
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