Uno Reverse

Uno Reverse

Have you ever had a moment of instant realization?

Recognizing that a belief you have held on to for years, 

or decades, 

or a lifetime... 

Isn't true at all?

Are we being lied to?

Or are we lying to ourselves...

Maybe it was a combo punch.

Over and Over…

We tell ourselves a story and believe it.


Decades-long beliefs.

And then,

an event, big or small...




Poof, now you’re Miss America…

You looked in the mirror just a little too long.

World changed…

Or just your perspective?

Are you really just now, who you never were before?

It should really come as no surprise that the story of Little Red Riding Hood has permeated my life as a storyteller. I’ve used it as a basis for numerous projects, classroom experiments, and improvisational exercises. 

When I discovered the antique play script buried in a box of childhood educational efforts, I realized that Little Red had been a recurring character and subconscious role model.

Not just a little girl, Little Red is a force to be reckoned with. 

A coming-of-age story. 

In the moment that she recognizes the wolf, she also recognizes her value. 

She recognizes herself as a survivor.

In some versions, that’s the same moment that the wolf is killed.

At the very least, a portend.  

Situation reversed. 



*Shoutout to my lovely Red Wolves, wherever you are...


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